I finally had some time to compile my species list for 2008. Not a bad year for me. I'm probably forgetting something but I count it up as 131 species of birds. I had the tally at 129 but realized I didn't have down the Eastern Towhee, or Ring-billed Gull. In 2007, my final tally was 137 birds. Considering I was taking care of a baby at home and Chelsey and I had virtually no free time I think this is a pretty respectable number. Also, in 2007 I went to both Arizona and North Dakota and saw about 28 species that aren't even found in Minnesota so also considering I didn't leave the state I'm feeling even better about this number! I'm excited to see what 2009 brings.
2008 Final Tally
1. House sparrow
2. American crow
3. Hairy woodpecker
4. White-breasted nuthatch
5. Downy woodpecker
6. Black capped chickadee
7. Brown creeper
8. Red bellied woodpecker
9. Red-breasted nuthatch
10. American goldfinch
11. Pileated Woodpecker
12. Red-tailed hawk
13. Rock pigeon
14. Wild turkey
15. Pheasant
16. Bald eagle
17. Northern Shrike
18. European Starling
19. Barred Owl
20. Mallard duck
21 Slate-colored dark-eyed junco
22 Townsend's Solitaire
23 American Tree Sparrow
24 Blue Jay
25 Canada Goose
26 Mourning Doves
27 American Robin
28 Northern Cardinal
29 Common Redpoll
30 Common Merganser
31 Snow Bunting
32 Horned Lark
33 Great-horned Owl
34 Red-shouldered Hawk
35 American Kestrel
36 Red-winged Blackbird
37 Sandhill Crane
38 Purple Finch
39 Cooper's Hawk
40 Fox Sparrow
41 Great Blue Heron
42 Turkey Vulture
43 Common Grackle
44 Eastern Phoebe
45 Eastern Bluebird
46 Pine Siskin
47 Song Sparrow
48 Tree Swallow
49 Lesser Scaup
50 Trumpeter Swan
51 Ring-necked Duck
52 Wood duck
53 Hooded Merganser
54 Bufflehead
55 Great Egret
56 Hermit Thrush
57 Northern Waterthrush
58 Yellow Rumped Warbler (myrtle)
79 Black-throated Green Warbler
80 Barn Swallow
81 Horned Grebe
82 Red-headed Woodpecker
83 Palm Warbler
84 Yellow Warbler
85 Cliff Swallow
86 White-Crowned Sparrow,
87 Northern Flicker
88 Rose-breasted Grosbeak
89 Baltimore Oriole
90 Blue-headed Vireo
91 Clay Colored Sparrow
92 Orange-crowned Warbler
93 Ruby-throated Hummingbird
94 House Finch
95 Chimney Swift
96 Tennessee Warbler
97 Indigo Bunting
98 Common yellow-throat
99 Gray Catbird
100 Least Flycatcher
101 Great-crested Flycatcher
102 Swainson's thrush
103 Yellow-throated vireo
104 American Redstart
105 Cape May Warbler
106 Northern Rough-winged Swallow
107 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
108 Blue-winged Warbler
109 Chestnut-sided Warbler
110 Wood Thrush
111 Wilson's Warbler
112 Eastern Kingbird
113 Scarlet Tanager
114 Red-eyed Vireo
115 Warbling Vireo
116 Swamp Sparrow
117 House Wren
118 Tufted Titmouse
119 Blackpoll Warbler
120 Mourning Warbler
121 Eastern Wood-pewee
122 Blackburnian Warbler
123 Canada Warbler
124 Ovenbird
125 Winter Wren
126 Olive-sided flycatcher
127 Belted Kingfisher
128 Spotted Sandpiper
129 Red-necked Grebe
130 Eastern Towhee
131 Ring-billed Gull
Sunday, January 04, 2009
The Birds of 2008
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